

Kidney Diseases

The purpose of the urinary system is to filter blood and produce urine as a waste by-product. The kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, bladder, and urethra are all organs of the urinary system. The urinary system’s functions include waste elimination, blood volume and blood pressure regulation, electrolyte and metabolite control, and blood pH regulation. Urology and Nephrology are two subspecialties that deal with the disorders of the urinary system.

Urologists specialize in difficulties involving the bladder, penis, testicles, urinary tract, and male reproductive system, whereas nephrologists focus on disorders involving the kidneys. Because nephrologists and urologists both treat kidney-related illnesses, it’s easy to mix up a nephrologist’s and a urologist’s services. These medical specializations sometimes overlap, and you may need to see both for the same problem.

Tata Steel Medica Hospital, Kalinganagar is one of the finest centers in the entire region and houses some of the best urologists and nephrologists of Odisha. We offer advanced care and treatment in all types of urological and nephrological disorders, all clubbed under one super speciality, Kidney Diseases. Kidney disease affects a large number of people in our country. But it is detected only when you go for urine / blood checkup or Sonography of the abdomen. A large number of patients with kidney disease are asymptomatic. Our doctors have experience in treating common urological and nephrological ailments such as incontinence, kidney stones, nephritis, impotence, prostate disorders, kidney failure, etc. With our state-of-the-art medical infrastructure and staff, we are driven to enable a complete solution to all our patients.

What are the Causes of Kidney Disorders?

Long standing diabetes
Uncontrolled high blood pressure
Chronic glomerulonephritis
Nephrotic syndrome
Nephritic syndrome
Collagen vascular disease/ Autoimmune disorders
Chronic infection of kidney, pyelonephritis
Poly cystic kidney disease
Frequent stone formation in urinary tract
Enlarged prostate gland
Excessive use of medicines over the years (mainly pain killers)