

Orthopedic Sciences

Orthopedics is a medical specialty that mainly focuses on dealing with correction of deformities of bones and/or muscles. You can also think of it as providing medical aid to the injuries and diseases of our body’s musculoskeletal system. Our musculoskeletal system is quite a complex system. It includes not only your bones, but also our bone joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves, that enable all of our body’s movement.

TS Medica’s Orthopaedic Doctor is experienced in superspecialty orthopedics, besides routine trauma management. We provide our patients with all-round care and treatment ensuring complete recovery from their bone ailments and quick return to normalcy. We offer Joint replacement and minimally invasive procedures often affordable cost.

What are the Major Orthopedic Problems?

Our bones are living tissues that keep rebuilding throughout our life. This process of rebuilding keeps deteriorating as we grow older. Our bone health also gets affected by leading a seditious lifestyle as well. Most of our common orthopedic problems are:

Forms of Arthritis
Bone cancer
Bone and Joint diseases
Sport injuries

Frozen shoulder, Carpal tunnel, spine pain, knee pain, joint pains

Types Of Orthopedic Surgeries

Medica has a team of highly skilled orthopedics and orthopedic surgeons who are trained in their respective fields of expertise. Our dedicated team of doctors endeavor to provide you with world-class treatment. Our expertise span from:

Complex Trauma
Advanced fixation techniques for complex and neglected trauma/fractures
Hand & Wrist Surgery

Pediatric Orthopedics
Congenital Deformity Correction
Pediatric Trauma

Spinal Surgeries
Scoliosis & Spinal Deformity Correction
Spinal Trauma

Sports Injury Surgeries
ACL Reconstructive Surgery

Joint Replacement Surgeries
Total Knee Replacement
Total Hip Replacement
Shoulder Replacement
Elbow Replacement
Small Joint Replacement

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