
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation

Physical therapy is a health service provided to people who have had some form of physical dysfunction/surgery/injury. It helps in rehabilitating them and also to develop, maintain, and restore maximum movement and functional abilities. It helps alleviate pain and restore normal movement and function patterns, enabling the body to come back to its natural state.

Extending World-Class Care

Manual Therapy
This service caters to those individuals who are suffering from musculoskeletal imbalance, resulting in low back pain or any other kind of joint and muscle pain. The therapist uses specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation/mobilization to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures to modulate pain. This increases the range of motion (ROM) and reduces or eliminates soft tissue inflammation, thus, inducing relaxation, improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability, thereby, facilitating movement and improving function.

Vestibular Rehabilitation
This service caters to individuals having vertigo (reeling of the head during movement), disequilibrium, and gait disturbances. The therapist uses a specialized set of exercises to improve the adaptive functions of the vestibular system, which help in overcoming the lack of balance, thus, helping the affected person lead a more normal life.

Facilities Available

TS Medica’s Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is a world-class department in itself. Located on the Ground floor of the hospital building, next to the Radiology Department, it provides world-class care and top-of-the-line equipment and physical rehabilitation services with an emphasis on integrated patient-oriented care. The department also offers exceptional holistic care utilising a comprehensive range of services, including clinical evaluation and subsequent management.

Rehabilitation at TS Medica Hospital Comprises an in-patient rehabilitation programme. Here, the therapist works closely with members of the medical team to reduce the period of hospitalisation and optimise patients’ functional capabilities.

The services provided for the patient are as follows:

Respiratory therapy
Orthopaedic rehabilitation
Neurological rehabilitation
Pain management
Post-surgical therapy

The services are rendered from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) as well as the patient’s Rooms/Wards.